The club has been honoured by GB Railfreight naming a locomotive after the C.U.R.C. in celebration of our club’s history and engagement of its members within the railway.
An event was held at Cambridge Station on Saturday 18th June 2022 and attended by numerous members from the past 45 years.
‘Our’ locomotive is an Electro-Motive Diesel JT42CWR / Class 66 No. 66786 and named ‘Cambridge University Railway Club’ with an emblem of the ‘Eagle’ locomotive (the only steam engine built by the Headly Brother’s Eagle Foundry on Mill Road, Cambridge in 1849). Formerly numbered 66141, the Class 66 was built by EMD in 1999 at their London, Ontario plant in Canada with a works number 968702-141. Originally, in service with English Welsh & Scottish Railways, the Class 66 was sold to GB Railfreight in 2018. Seen in daily service across the UK, 66786 promotes the C.U.R.C. and generates a new generation’s interest in the railways. Have you seen the club’s Class 66 in action, why not share on our social media!
The C.U.R.C. wish to extend a gracious thank you to GB Railfreight; Bob Tiller; Procast; Sebastian Gibson; Schoen Cho and every member who made a generous donation for the plates; for making this event possible. Long may 66786 celebrate the C.U.R.C. !