110th Anniversary Debate on Alternative Railway Traction for the UK Network

The Cambridge University Railway Club is holding its 110th Anniversary Debate on ‘Alternative Railway Traction for the UK Network’ on Wednesday 17th March 2021 at 19.30-20.30.

With all sources close to Government highlighting we shall see a cost-effective rolling electrification program across the main lines of the UK rail network, this though shall not reach the extremities of the rail network. Thus, there seems to be merit in both hydrogen and battery self-powered traction to remove Diesel self-powered stock by 2035/40.

The technologies and arguments for/against are new and evolving, this debate shall give the audience a unique insight to how public transport infrastructure shall look into the decades ahead.

110th Anniversary Debate Panelists (alphabetical):

Paul Cooper – Head of Planning and Controls, Hitachi Rail UK.
Paul McMahon – Managing Director, Network Rail Systems Operations.
Mike Muldoon – Head of Business Development, Alstom UK for Hydrogen.

• Chairman Intro
• Traction Outlines (5-10 mins per panelist) – presentation of the technology/engineering and ability of alternative self-power to address the need to remove diesel-self powered stock from the UK network.
• Set questions for discussion (10 mins) – the panelists have been presented three questions in advance to debate in depth.
• Open discussion to virtual audience (20 mins).
Further reading:

Network Rail Strategy: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Traction-Decarbonisation-Network-Strategy-Executive-Summary.pdf
Alstom Hydrogen: https://www.alstom.com/press-releases-news/2020/7/eversholt-rail-and-alstom-invest-further-ps1-million-breeze-hydrogen
Hitachi Battery: https://www.hitachirail.com/products-and-solutions/rolling-stock/battery/